Ex BTS switching power supply produce 27V output. It can be modified so that it can be used to supply 13.8V needed for Ham gears.
All you need is to modify the trimmer value that sense output voltage.
All you need is to modify the trimmer value that sense output voltage.
Here 47k + 22k are used. Note where the one end of resistor should be put (the red cable ends in PCB).
The other end of resistor is on the ground. Here is one of possible placement. It is near by and easy to place resistor.
As seen in the picture above, the additional resistors have been heatshrinked to prevent shorts.
To change the output voltage, just adjust the trimmer near the heatshrink.
Additional DC Voltmeter is placed to monitor output voltage. The picture below shows location of DC output where the digital Voltmeter is measuring (Red and Black cables on the left PCB).