Inductor Saturation Tester

One of my difficulties while designing transformer -either for SMPS or HF- is how much power can it hold ? How many ampere can it be used before the core gets saturated ?

The answer can be obtained with a tool called "Inductor Saturation Tester".
Some resource on the web provide information on how to do this, but I found this gentlemen's web is the best. So, my thank to Homoludens (this link) for very good explanation and idea.

My attempt to build his tool is presented below. I add Voltage Regulator that keep the Voltage at 10 V while also limits the charging current to all Caps at 1 Amp.

Here is the schematics :

And the layout :

I made the PCB as usual, and wish I can show it to Homoludens ( hi hi ).
Here are pictures of the final PCB and assembly :

The tester works as explained in his web. Despite the funny 10mOhm home made resistor (shown in big yellow color near heatsink). The resistor was made by 0.6mm copper wire 17cm long. If you can get a precision resistor (like Isabellenhutte or similar), that will be just perfect.

If you need PCB file (Eagle format), just drop me a comment.


Unknown said…
Hi, I am interested in testing some of your PCB designs. Please share the Eagle files for the Inductor Saturation Tester and Stripline Directional Coupler. Some of your single-sided PCB designs are good candidates for CNC isolation milling. I can help get a machine started to speed up the prototyping cycles.