
This thermostat was intended to be used for keeping room temperature constant using Halogen Lamp.

The sensor is DS18B20. ATtiny2313 was selected since I have several of them around. But later after coding, I found 2K Code space was not enough. ATMega8 is a better choice.

Here is the schematics :

 The layout (a bit messy, I remove bottom layer view here for clarity) :

Schematics & PCB

Almost finished project :

The uProcessor and VReg was not installed yet.

The programming includes the OneWire Protocol implementation. The tight programming space limits what feature I can put to this Thermostat. So, it just do a simple PID control, no fancy display etc.

Download the Tarball file: Thermostat.tgz


Florin NAE said…
I like your project. I want to build it to use it in the power plant but I can not handle the compilation of the code. Please help me with compiling the source code and posting it on the blog or if it can be sent to along with the fusebiting setting.
Thank you.